SF Signal links Cliche List

SFSignal, a science fiction review site (kind of what i09.com would like to be), mentioned my Cliche list. This is thanks to Steve Davidson. It explains why there was a jump in the page hits (about 30) overnight and why some people started complaining about it again.

One of these days I will have to reorganize the page one more time and clean up the list. It is created by anonymous users and the spelling, grammar, etc is dreadful.

I want to make it so people can thumbs up or down a cliche and then sort them by the most popular. I need a better way to edit them, right now I have to download the files and play with them using notepad. There has to be a better way. I guess it’s time to store them in a database and make some php edit routines.

SF Signal: SF Tidbits for 1/2/11.