My technical blog seems to get more posts than this, my personal blog. I was thinking of starting another blog that would be my mundane blog and leave this one for just SF stuff.

If you cared about what I was doing in the back yard or on the weekends you could go to the mundane blog. If you wanted to hear my opinions on bad SF (my own stories and others) then you’d read this.

If I don’t hear from anyone it means that nobody cares.

The techy blog, by the way, has more readers than this one. Strangely enough the bee blog gets more readers than either of these. The harmonica blogs get 10 times more than any of my personal blogs.


  1. Michelle (Mush) wrote:

    In addition to creating a Sci-fi blog, why don't you create a Forum where you and your viewers can post topics for discussion, or debate each other, or create contests (ones that don't need to have a prize for winners), or essays explaining how individual aspects of different subgenres (example: time travel, first contact) appeal to readers in different ways (example: Some readers gravitate towards First Contact stories because it's a chance to explore different cultures, Others might gravitate to post-apocalypse stories because it's a chance to see the limits of human endurance [mentally, emotionally, spiritually])

    If you raise the viewer's involvement by letting them choose the topic, you can boost traffic to your website. Hopefully, the forum will take off with the same success as the Sci- fi cliché webpage.

    Abridged answer:
    Yes, make a science fiction blog, but also think about making a forum.

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 12:38 am | Permalink
  2. Michelle (Mush) wrote:

    I just realized that my that first paragraph up there was actually a single sentence. Sorry, I didn’t think how much of a pian it would be to read until after I posted it.

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 12:42 am | Permalink
  3. Keith wrote:

    I’ve tried before to do a forum. One of the reasons that I went to WordPress was so that people could respond easily to the pages and posts.

    In the past all I got was spam.

    I will try again and we’ll see what happens.

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10:03 am | Permalink
  4. Michelle (Mush) wrote:

    Hmm… Spammers do seem to be a problem. Do you know how to code in a flagging system (where other viewers can mark eachother’s posts as spam or as being really bad quality?)

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10:09 am | Permalink
  5. Keith wrote:

    There are forum systems that are getting pretty good at handling spammers. Some of them have the feature that you mentioned.

    I’ll do some googling and see what I can find.

    Thursday, August 5, 2010 at 10:13 am | Permalink