Kevin Kelly — Cool Tools

I am still alive and thinking about blogging. Justine sent me a very tiny Sony Vaio that is so small that I can’t read the screen. I like the idea of the machine and Erica says she can read it with her glasses on. It still doesn’t let me blog from home. I fired up the Toshiba Qozmio and it is too big, but I am going to install my software on it and try using it to upload images. I’m working on it so be patient. I still think that Erica should get rid of her old Dell and use the Qozmio, mainly because it has a built in TV receiver and she can watch CNBC while working on the computer. The Qozmio comes with tools, including a remote, so that you can use it like a Tivo.

Anyway, the post is about Kevin Kelly Cool Tools. I check out this blog every morning. It turns out that Kelly worked on the Whole Earth Catalogs (well after the time that I was actually reading them, though).

Kelly had this great Crumb image on his website this morning and I thought it worked not only for artists but programmers, website developers, SF writers and Harmonica Players.

Kevin Kelly — Cool Tools


  1. envaneo wrote:

    My night room manager at work is a financial advisor by day. He has a regular Sony Viao. I like it but it’s to priporatory (did I spell that right? Too big a word for me today. Hurt head.)for me.

    I’ve seen the mini Viao before at London Drugs last summer looking for KVM switches. It’s cute and I think it has a wifi connection.


    Tuesday, February 5, 2008 at 3:57 pm | Permalink
  2. Anonymous wrote:

    You are very pick for someone who has broken the last four computers that I sent you….

    Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 1:00 pm | Permalink
  3. Keith wrote:

    I didn’t break them! The damn cats keep knocking them off the table onto the floor! I very carefully set the Qozmio on the floor each time I get up so they would have to actually knock something on to it to break it. I expect to come down and find a lamp broken on top of the laptop and the pieces of the laptop scattered around the living room.

    Wednesday, February 6, 2008 at 1:14 pm | Permalink