Working on the new Heat

My old boiler is gone and I ordered a new one which arrived in the driveway last week. It weighs 480 pounds and is more that I could handle. Larry came over and brought a neighborhood kid named Brian to help.

Larry and I guided the unit into the cellar while we let Brian do the hard part. He had what is called “The Irishman’s Lift” which is to say he was below it and had to control the heavy part of the thing while we lowered it down the stairs from the top. It went without a hitch. I gave Brian the contents of my wallet ($5) and they left.

I then had to move the boiler from the bottom of the cellar stairs to the back room. I had to then unpack it and place it on some bricks in the right position and level it. 480 pounds is quite a bit to handle alone, but I got it done.

This weekend I got the water, gas and chimney done. I got 90% of the electrical done and all that is left is to hook it to the thermostats.

I will hook up the downstairs zone tonight, and if I have time, the east bedroom. It should not be too much of a problem.