Personal Reject, perhaps

Sheila at Asimov’s is not shy about issuing personal rejections. I checked Duotrope and there have been a few in the last week. The response was short and said nice things, but nothing specific, so it could be her canned personal response. I will have to Google Asimov’s “rejectomancy” later.

In any case is is very nice to get something other than than the bland “Thanks, but no thanks” letter from an editor.

I am encouraged enough to waste the postage on a snail mail submission to Gordon Van Gelder. Perhaps I’ll get something other than the standard “did not grab” message.

My stories have yet to make it to a pro market, but I’m getting closer all the time. I am currently writing another story that is so odd that it will be racking up the rejects, but I’ve had some other good ideas and will keep cracking when I find the time.