Every Friday I get an email from USAJobs informing me about new jobs at NASA. I have no hope of getting a job at NASA as the incoming congress will gut the agency. To them there is no reason to explore space now that the second coming of Jesus is near. I usually ignore these emails.

Today, in spite of the futility, I applied to one of the NASA jobs listed that I would be just right for. I have the experience and the education necessary. I am willing to work in Washington DC, although I might have to rent a small flop so I could stay in DC during the week (DC is one of my favorite cities, rated right between Austin and Chicago). It pays much better than I get now.

According to Heinlein there are three departments in the Army. One is the Dirty Tricks department, another is the Practical Jokes Department, and the third, which is made up of one elderly GS-9 clerk out on sick leave is the Fairy Godmother Department. This is as true in civilian life as it is in the service.

I am hoping that the woman who works in the Fairy Godmother Department is feeling better. I am sick of Dirty Tricks and Practical Jokes. I’d really like working at NASA.