I need a Vacation

I occasionally dip my left big toe in the job pool to test the water. I have resumes at Monster and a few other job sites. I make a separate email address for each one so I can track where my job offers come from. In the last few months, I have been receiving spam and Nigerian scams at the Careerbuilder.com email. They have sold (or someone has sold) my personal data and I am receiving these bogus work-at-home offers where I am asked to give up my checking account number. They know my name and address.

I also get calls at my home number from very aggressive recruiters, who want me to relocate or work for peanuts. These come from CareerBuilder, as well.

I killed my CareerBuilder account, but the damage is done. Careerbuilder seems to be casual about who gets my information.

If you want to find a job, use InDeed.com. This is an aggregater, that goes out to several job sites and scrapes off the data. I specify jobs within 20 miles of my home and I get dozens of good job listings when I check it. The other places to check are Craigslist.org and http://www.usajobs.opm.gov (this is where I apply for NASA jobs – not even a nibble so far).

By the way, yesterday I got a nibble on my left big toe. I dreamt all night about a job where I could actually take a paid vacation again. It’s a long shot, though. I am not a good match and the tech interview was about .NET, which is not my area of expertise. I tried to convey that I am a decent programmer, no matter what the language, but I am not sure that I came across as competent for the job. Still, I wasn’t entirely bummed by the interview and I have some slim hope. Perhaps in a year, I can take a week or two off with pay – what a concept. I haven’t had a vacation (other than down time between gigs) since 1999.


  1. Jim Shannon wrote:

    There’s lots of work here in Edmonton, since Alberta is carrying the country as far as the economy goes. Alberta is the only Govt I think in North America to be debt free. Plus we have no sales tax and there is more oil in our tar sands then all of Opec put together. If used at current rates Alberta tar sands Oil could last 400 years.

    The economy here is the best part about Alberta despite the Oilers sucking.

    Friday, February 23, 2007 at 2:48 am | Permalink
  2. Keith wrote:

    Edmonton is way too cold. I read your blog about waiting in the wind for a bus and I get the shivers. I don’t want to move to Florida, but I don’t want to move that far north either.

    Friday, February 23, 2007 at 9:25 am | Permalink
  3. Jim Shannon wrote:

    Yeah, that windchill can come right up the rear end a lot of times but our winter’s haven’t been that bad lately. This is typical for what we normally get here but in the 80’s we’d get a -25C cold snap once a week here but now thanks to global warming we’re getting cold snaps at least once a month but the wind chill is what does it.

    Oh I’m only out in it for like five minutes during the week. It’s the Saturday morning wait that can kill you But we’ve been getting days that are -6C with no wind chill and nice little breaks of warm weather, which helps to break up the monotomy.

    Of course I’ve lived in the lower mainland Coquitlam BC for half of my life where we have had 2 seasons, rain and fall.

    Thanks for reading

    Friday, February 23, 2007 at 3:56 pm | Permalink