Free Name A Star

My website found its way to a few MySpace pages and is now killing me with bandwidth. Hundreds of teeny boppers are naming galaxies after their favorite pet, or heart throb, or their favorite teacher. Mother’s Day nearly brought the site down. I have purchased another 50 Gigs of bandwidth. Each PDF certificate costs me 700K in bandwidth and I have a page where you can see all the galaxy names and view the dedications. I am getting 10-20 new galaxy names a day and hundreds of certificate views.

I registered and downloaded the Smithsonian Institute’s star inventory. I have a few test pages on the site, and I expect to finish it up by next week. I put it on the new host where I have 50 gigs of bandwidth, and I hope this will be enough. This time, I am being smart and I am charging for extras. If you want a star visible to the naked eye, it will cost you.