Charles Dickens, Mr. Micawber and Spam

I have been receiving spam with something like the following:

In due time, Mr. Micawber’s petition was ripe for hearing; and that gentleman was ordered to be discharged under the Act, to my great joy. His creditors were not implacable; and Mrs. Micawber informed me that even the revengeful boot-maker had declared in open court that he bore him no malice, but that when money was owing to him he liked to be paid. He said he thought it was human nature.

Why spammers should think that Dickens should make good spam text is beyond me. I’ve had at least 50 like this over the last month or so. Each has the text and each has an image that my spam guard kindly blocks.
Things like this is why I sometimes think that I will never understand anything. All I can do is watch the world go by in wonderment.

One Comment

  1. J Erwine wrote:

    Hemmingway and Faulkner are really popular as well.

    I’m waiting for Asimov or Heinlein…then I might be willing to help these people with their millions of dollars that they need to route into my bank account.

    The sad thing is that somebody must be answering these spams…otherwise it wouldn’t even be worth the limited effort the spammers put into it.

    Friday, December 9, 2005 at 1:44 pm | Permalink