Gracie home for a while

Gracie, the kitten, is doing very well, so far. She came home friday night, a very sick cat. She has a feeding tube (See picture in post below.) Every few hours, I have to warm and squeeze 40CC of gruel into the tube. Twice a day she gets an antibiotic and 3 times a day, she gets heavy duty pain meds. Her broken face is a mess and she can’t breath through her nose. Her left eye is good, but the right eye still has a blown pupil. The right out was out of its socket when she got to the animal hospital a week ago. At least they didn’t cut it out and there is a chance that it will come back.

During the weekend, Gracie slowly improved. She got up from her little nest in the bedroom and made it to the bathroom where we keep the litter box. She came all the way downstairs once, while I was supposed to be watching her and Erica found her at the back door, looking out through the screen.

She sat each night in a nest in the living room watching TV with us (Mostly she just slept.) She snores loudly now as she tries to breath through her nose. This is a good thing. She jumped into a windowsill and watched the birds in the trees. She is very sick and very weak, but she is getting 175 CC of food everyday, and she is trying to clean herself.

She still smells of infection and puss, mucous and serum are still draining from her face. There is an awful cut on her chin and her teeth aren’t straight. The cat orthopedic dentist will look at her this morning.

Erica took her down to Oradell Animal Hospital this morning and I am waiting to hear the latest news.